Všechny filmy


Premiere Spring 2021

The 90‘s and the privatization of state property is a topic that Czech society brings with it to the present. This weekend the shooting of the film Erhart by director Jan Březina started in Holešov, which we co-produce together with Xova Film. The intention of the film is to bring the post-revolutionary events into the awareness of people. The filming took place in the Zlín region in the autumn of 2019, and the Zlín Film Office was very helpful in searching for locations within the project Filmové obce.

In the main roles star Filip Březina, Lucie Ducháčková, Elizaveta Maximová, Přemysl Bureš and Petra Jungmanová. The film is made with the support of the State Fund for Cinematography and the Zlín Region.

“The theme of the legacy of the 1990s and the impact of this era on the present has been “in the air” for some time, but we rarely see it in the film. Our intention is to talk openly about the topic so that we can reflect on it and better understand it. Looking at the current social situation, we believe that this is a necessary process and that the film that deals with these topics will resonate strongly with a wide audience,” explains director and screenwriter Jan Březina, a graduate of directing at FAMU, where he studied under Věra Chytilová.