
Hamé fish pâtés

After a two-year break, we had the opportunity to shoot for our client HAMÉ again. And this time in style. During the narrative two-day shooting in the magical environment of Panské rybníky in Bouzov, we prepared two TV spots and sponsorship with the background of fishing-themed plot. 


The central theme is fish spreads, ready meals and Májka pâtés. We casted the famous fisherman Jakub Vágner and the popular actor from Ostrava Norbert Lichý in the main roles. This is the first of the spots.


As the brand manager of HAMÉ, Mr. Peter Janda, said: “The IS Production team managed to give the commercial friendly humor, or even more – Hrabal’s humor.” And that makes us happy…

Making of

Take a look at how we shot the spot